I'm Developer from Indonesia. I'd like to do project that has relation to life.
This project build with framework NextJS and MongoDB as NoSQL Database
This project was made for web programming course. Native HTML5,CSS3,Javascript
Kampus Indonesia pre-internship task. The website have good flat design style
This project create with PHP Native code as Backend
The project for look a Covid-19 Data Distribution Statistic in Country
Using Kawal Covid API
Using PHP Native as Backend and Admin-LTE Dashboard Template
Desktop and CLI based application build with wxpython library😁
This application is made on my learning course in Dicoding Studi Independen build with Flutter framework and consume data from Dicoding Resaturant API.
Build with Flutter and Firebase as Database and authentication. I'am using GetX for state management.
Human Resource Management System, Proxsis Workspace is a cloud-based HRMS solution designed to help existing HR services within a company to reduce time usage and eliminate HR service functions that are less effective and efficient using a system capable of providing automated solutions. Link various HR functions such as employee management, recruiting, and more with software technology
Kerjatim is a task management application built with Kotlin programming to solve user problems managing large volumes of work. Users can manage work through the workspace feature. Users can see the task pool view in a simple board view. Users will also be spoiled with task reminder features, so users will never miss an existing task.
Desktop application for qr scanning build with wxpython library
This project was build for Dicoding Assigment Belajar Fundamental Front End Web
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